This would be a first post

This would be a first post


1 min read

This blog would be my notes for me for the feature use in my work, to track my growth process and to check my skillset. Also, I will write some posts on general themes about work in IT. But of course, if for someone my posts will be useful I will be only glad.
Let's begin with a description of who am I, I'm a Senior Software Engineer in web development with a primary focus on back-end development, DevOps and of course front-end. In IT I'm more than 7 years and worked only in outsourcing companies. Worked with different project complexity and different amounts of people in teams.

Now, let's describe the main threads of this blog. First of all, this will be education. In this thread I will be posting short descriptions of themes that I learned for some time, hope this will be every day, but let's see). The second one will be aroundIT, let's name it something like this because in this articles I will describe my thoughts about working in IT.
So, this was a short description of my blog and what I will post here.