React notes - 02 Let’s run our application

React notes - 02 Let’s run our application

So, we install our app, and now let’s run it. As I mentioned before, I will use Vite for development, so let’s run these commands in our terminal:

// change directory into project that you created,
// in my case this is 'my-app'
cd my-app

// for installing all necessary dependencies
npm install 

// for running iur app in development mode
npm run dev

Then we should open our browser and navigate to and here we can see

That’s means, that our application installed, created and running properly.

Let’s make a short overview of the project structure:

Everything typically here like for JavaScript projects:

  • node-modules - folder with our dependency modules;

  • public - for any staff we want;

  • src - project work directory, that contains:

    • assets - folder for different assets;

    • main.tsx - our entry point file;

    • App.css and App.tsx - files of our first component;

    • index.css - a file that contains global styles;

  • index.html - our main template file;

  • package.json and package-lock.json;

  • tsconfig files;

  • and vite config file.

Pretty standard and nothing unusual.


As you can see, everything is typical for any Javascript project. Let’s talk about components in the next chapter.

Previous note - CLI Tools

Next note - Components